Tuesday, March 27, 2012

The ACEN Diet

I hate the d-word. I really, really do. So, this is the first and last time I will use it: diet.

Stay with me here, alright?

I'm comfortable in my skin. For the first time in my life, I've actually been able to say - for about a year now - that I love my body. I have a big bust, round thighs, and some big ol' hips. My feet are large and kind of weird. Despite having been in braces for four years, my teeth aren't perfect. My skin is pale and splotchy in places. And I love it. All of it.

Don't get me wrong: I have my bad days. Sometimes, I look at my skinny friends and wish, wish, wish that I looked like them. Really, though - deep down - I don't. I like me. And that took over a decade to figure out.

Of course, there are always ways to improve oneself. I'm not a terribly healthy person. I love Coca Cola and candy, and I don't eat enough protein. I don't exercise, either; while I love walking, I don't have time for it. My thunder thighs are things of beauty, but they're also weighed down by some excess fat. My tummy and my arms could use a little more muscle and a little less jiggle, too. Thus, in the spirit of being healthy and looking nicer for a slew of upcoming events, including ACEN, I'm cutting down on some things. First, I'm drinking Coke Zero instead of Coke - at least for a while. I'm foregoing sweets for the most part, and  kicking up the fruits and veggies.

My goal is to be happier and healthier, mind and body, in the next couple of months.

Monday, January 30, 2012

Elena Gun Progress

I mentioned that I started anew the Beretta M9 for my Elena costume. I used a cardboard base, just like last time. Instead of measuring it, though, I just free-handed it and then adjusted the size until it felt natural to hold. I taped the cardboard together and then did a layer of papier-mache to smooth things out. Basically, the process is the exact same as the one detailed in the post below. This time, however, since the proportions turned out right, I went at it with some Paperclay:

It took about 1/3 of a standard package. I waited two days to make sure it was completely dry and then did some sanding. I followed JiaJem's tutorial on armor to a tee. Two lessons: never sand indoors, and usa an electric sander, if possible. You wouldn't think that sanding something that small would be so difficult, but it really is. So my next cosplay investment will indeed be a mouse sander, preferably something in the $25-30 range. 

I filled in the cracks and craters with more Paperclay, let the gun dry, and sanded again. Alas, Christmas Break ended, and I didn't want to deal with trying to sand at my apartment at school. Elena is thus going on hold until Spring Break, when I hope to finish this thing.